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What Drives Me in Life? Part 2

·217 words·2 mins·

It’s strange how my answer changed after writing the last post, as if it motivates me to really question myself, do you really want that? It makes me think harder, and ask myself again. Frankly, my answers do change abit.

if I have tons of money today at this moment, what would I do? I think I’d probably pick up new languages, like Japenese which I abandon long time ago.

If I have tons of money today at this moment, what would I do? I probably grab a camera and start capturing images of edges and corners on this world that I thought was memorable.

If I have tons of money today at this moment, what would I do? I probably start self-learning astrophysics, although knowing that I could never keep up with all the previous knowledge, I’d still be happy to share what I know with people around me.

Do I really want to chase knowing every bits of knowledge in this know universe? I don’t know. Do I really care working at a big tech company and achieve something big? I couldn’t know either.

Could my profession - computer science fit in the picture? Maybe. Who knows? I don’t really care, it’s just tool that I picked up somewhere ago, it doesn’t affect my journey.