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What Drives Me in Life?

·383 words·2 mins·

My golden dream when I was in highschool, was to hustle hard, get a work in a leading tech/eng organization, like Boeing or Airbus, working on one-of-a-kind problem, designing new cutting-edge solutions that would change the world and push humanity’s technology forward.

But why would I have such dream? To be honest, do I really want to achieve it? Do I have such yearn only because it sounds cool, or only to satisfy the vanity in my own imaginary world?

A good question to ask to validate is:

If you have tons of money and were just told to enjoy the rest of your life, would you still gonna hustle and to achieve the career goal you set?

Ngl. That hit me hard.

I guess I wouldn’t work that hard, but there’s one thing for sure, I would still have the raw and pure curiosity, over all the things in the world that feels so magical to me. How tf did the rockets able to fly to the moon? How did the engineers design better aircrafts wings? How did we launched a satelite that is capable of taking a picture of the black hole? Humanity’s technology is just so fascinating. I want to know. Knowing how things works fixes my thirst.

I definitely understand things that I currently care, is because I have experienced it myself. They somehow excite and trigger the curiosity in me. I can’t tell if I would start to be interested in other things in the future. Someone could share some piece of random piece of knowledge and I would start jumping down the rabbit hole. In fact, large portion of my interest in CS is inspired by amazing friends around me, things like Linux and Computer Networking, their existence just left me feel fascinated.

That’s a toxic trait in me. Once I know how a thing work, I never bother building or creating a solution out of it. It’s strange I’m not interested in solving unsolved problem, I’m just curious how current things work. I don’t think there’s right or wrong, it’s just how I am.

But if one is really thirsty, move on, being curious is not enough. Stop trying to understand it and really understand it. The best way to understand it is to build it.

The Matrix