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What Does The Internet Mean To Me?

·219 words·2 mins·
Life Internet

What does the internet really mean to me? There were a lot of different answers when I tried to look up people’s answer on Reddit and Quora. The most common answer I see is that people sees internet as a huge library and source of knowledge they can soak up. It is a source of information.

To me, I always see internet as a new world and a different physical space, that people turn into a different version of themself. That’s how people are using internet nowadays, which I’m not denying its value, nor I’m saying it’s right or wrong, but is that the true value of the internet?

When I rethink about it, to me, internet space supposed to be no different from what we do and who we are in real life. The point of internet is just to connect. It’s a medium that helps us share our daily stories, spontaneous ideas or just any interesting thoughts we have with people that we want to share with. It is simply our daily social network that happens to surpass the physical time-space constraint.

Coming around this, I would also say, the true value of internet are realized only when we start focus around its true value, and start building platforms that can connect people. At least for me.