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Dealing with Generational Virtues Differences

·283 words·2 mins·
Family Communication

I know that I can’t understand my mommy’s life values and perspective, and I still don’t understand until today. There were a lot of disagreement on certain decision, due to the mindset difference we had. It’s too many to count, but ont of the recent ones we had was about food portion. Recently we had a relatives reunion, total of 12 peoples at KL. On one occasion to the dim sum restaurant Jin Xuan, I suggested everyone to try the xiaolongpau, but looking at the long list of previous orders, I suggest to just order 2 sets of 4 sets, anyone who want to eat can have a taste, and whoever are not enough with it can add-on later. However, my mom thinks differently, she believes that it’s a manner to make sure if I were to taste something new, everyone should taste them too, else just don’t order it.

I wouldn’t understand why because it could potentially waste food, but the key is not to understand, nor to make the best decision, nor to defend my suggestion. There’s no best decision in fact. It’s always about tolerating and taking a step back. If I don’t order it, I just loses the experience. If I ordered more than what we can eat, we’ll probably just laugh it off, or just takeaway the rest. Why wasting time debating with my mom on the most logic decision? Also, since it’s with my relatives, inheriting Hokkien and traditional Chinese mindset to respecting the elders’s mindset just make everyone happy in the end of the day.

I was stupid and stubborn, I didn’t realized. Don’t think logically too much, just enjoy the time and make life easier.