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A Checkpoint Reflection

·498 words·3 mins·
Life Reflection

I consider myself to be lucky I’m who I’m today. I was lucky to have parents who provided me considerable good amount of exposure to a lot of things. Music, I was picked up violin since I was young. Even I don’t play it nowadays, I learn to appreciate these music pieces beautifully crafted by our ancestors 200. Books. My dad reads a lot of books, and we have a big shelf of books, the ones I enjoyed the most back I was a kid, was the dinasour encyclopedia that has a lot of realistic graphics. I’m lucky to receive pretty good education, there were good teachers who sparked my interest in physics and mathematics. I enjoyed the physics lab a lot. Interest. I’m lucky to have an awesome childhood friend, who argubably is the one who sparked a lot of my today’s interest and person who affected me the most. We watched animes, we watched gundams, we build gunplas, we exchanged drawings, we played PS2 games, we built Legos, everything together. He got me into anime, science, space, structure, curiousity, creative works. I were once a really creative person back then, even I sucked at drawings class, I liked structures a lot.

As time goes by, I grow older and parted with my friends, I started to lose sense of what I really enjoyed deep down in my heart. I really liked physics engineering that I was supposed to study aeronatics, but I ended up studying computer science, when the pandemic hits, that makes me realize CS is probably a better way out. I really appreciate studying CS, and I never regretted it. It opens up a whole new perspetive for me of viewing the world, and how techs has no limits and how it significantly improved human’s lives.

I’m lucky that I have a pretty good brain and I can memorize, reason, excels at academic. But overall these years, it seemed that I have limited experiences dealing with failure, and my only mechanism to deal with it is to avoid it.

There’re so many things that I have experiences, some natural instinct that I was born with, and the things that I have learnt during my uni years, but they’re here and there and they never really get connected in my brain, nor are they connected them with the coding skills I have. I want to really live out my life. I want to know where are my boundaries. I want to know how would I look like if I maxed out myself, in pursuing the things I’m curious.

Starting today, I want to connect thougths, ideas, interest in my brain, by realizing them through the medium I have. I loved music and arts so much, I enjoyed crafting concrete artworks, I was so curious about how the universe works, I was so hyped about sci-fi world. I want to find the child in me, who’s curious, creative, fearless, I want to be the person again.