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Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No.2 Op.18

·396 words·2 mins·

Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No.2 is undoubtedly a beautifully written piece. All three movements carry such pure emotion that they can draw out the kindness in any person. The second movement is especially well-known; you probably hear it elsewhere. I have listened to them repeatedly throughout the entire month. While walking home from work and feeling bored, I began to imagine and visualize the story behind the second movement, picturing the scene Rachmaninoff was depicting in my mind. I swear, visualizing the story of a piece is the most fun part about classical music.

So here is what I heard:

Long ago, one afternoon, there were two lovers who fell in love at first sight. They were happily dating each other, walking down a river. One day, they had to separate for some reason, and it would be a very long time before they can meet again. The man faced a significant setback, and they couldn’t meet with each other. They promised to meet at the place where they first fell in love, after ten years later.

Many years passed, and both endured numerous hardships, but the time has finally come. They know each other will keep the promise. The day has come, they promise to meet at the bridge they first met. The place were crowded, and they desperately searched for each other through the throng. The woman glimpsed the man but lost sight of him in the sea of people. She pushed her way through the crowd, almost stumbling. As she emerged from the throng, her eyes locked with his. A second felt like a hundred years.

They met, but both knew it was a brief reunion. After many years, they had their own stables lives now. The man had to leave before sunset. They hoped time would freeze at that moment, and they can look at each other for longer, for hundred years, for eternity.

Interestingly, the image I envisioned resembled the final scene of the film Brief Encounter, where the characters break up and part ways. In fact the second movement was chosen as the background music ( Here’s a YouTube video of it). This would probably be the story of the two lovers. Unlike Rach’s Piano Concerto No.3, this piece has some magical quality that irresistibly draws you in. By the time you realize it, you’re already deeply touched by the melody.