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Learning Hasn't Been The Same

·579 words·3 mins·
Life Learning

I feel like I should revisit my learning strategy today.

To be honest, I’m afraid of the idea of losing behind, during my unversity. Seeing different people shining in different prospects, I was kind of intimidated where am I heading.

Wow he built a startup, should I build one too? Wow he’s building React Native app, shall I learn to build mobile apps too? Wow, he’s published a machine learnin paper, is ML the next big thing?

What a loss. Instead of spending time worry what to do, I should’ve just do it already.

I’ll say I’m blessed with whatever I have now, education I had, science and arts interests I fostered, cultural practices I’m exposed to, did some debating for some time as well, life experiences I had are not the best nor the worst. I’m just a simple boy who wants to have fun. I explore so many things looking back, and all of them contribute to who I am today. Learning was tough… but pretty fun back then back in secondary schools!

Due to many reasons, I think I actually lose that good experience learning from a good environment back when I’m a kid. College and University has so many aspects that I started to experience life differently, I’m exposed to different peoples who has different values and priorities, I’m kind of affected, having a good learning experiences slowly fades out of sight. Maybe, I’m not really good with social life. Welp not too late to find out what suites myself more. After all, I’m happy to find out I want to pick my abilities back up. Let me have fun in my own way!

Luckily, internet has made peers and teachers more accesible ever, and today’s tech has given me more feasible solution to my concerns and help me to feel like my teen ages again. Here are some of my thoughts that I’ll try to implement myself to slowly regain my learning abilites:

  1. Be brave and have growth mindset. Just ask whatver questions you had. Just connect to people who has the answer to share. Remember when you never afraid to ask physics theory to your physics teacher? Yup. Nobody gonna care about you anyways.

  2. Write. Secondary school was the phase where I write the most, and where my mind was the clearest lol. I’m not sure is there a relation , but I’ll try to write more, content that varies in format, shapes, length, prospects. Inspired again by Ben.

  3. Sustainable learning strategy. I can’t learn anything at once, the plan is to have a sustainable plan. What to learn? Just pick any topics that is nearer to myself. How should I learn? Read more. Practice more. How to verify I learn? Build and share.

  4. Ingestion pipeline? So many resources to read from. We have tech articles, hands-on tutorial, conceptual videos, curated review article that is already distilled, someone else’s notes…etc. Keep them in stash, label them with tags. Grab when I need. Focus on writing and generating understandings from them instead.

  5. Having a healthy body and mind. A aspect that I turned my eyes away for years and treated myself badly. Never get enough sleeps and sports. I should really change that.

As of the time writing, I’m working as a Machine Learning Engineer focused on NLP. While I’m not sure how long would I stay, I will start by exploring this field.

I hope to revisit this again. :)

Happy learning :)